Friday, June 5, 2015

Waggoner's Word - June 1, 2015

June 1, 2015

Dear Parents,

Calendar of Events for the Week of June 1st-June 5th:
Tuesday, June 2nd: Yearbook Distribution all three lunches
Wednesday, June 3rd: 4th, 1st and 3rd period Final Exams
Wednesday, June 3rd: 6th Grade Awards Ceremony 8:20-9:50AM
Thursday, June 4th: 5th, 2nd, and 8th period Final Exams
Thursday, June 4th: 7th Grade Awards Ceremony 8:20-9:50AM
Friday, June 5th: 6th and 7th period Final Exams
Friday, June 5th: 8th Grade Awards Ceremony 8:20-9:50AM
Friday, June 5th: Yearbook signing all students 2:55-3:30PM
Friday, June 5th: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – Have a GREAT summer!!
Monday, August 24th: Hornet Hello all students (grade levels and times TBD)

This time of the year we have to say goodbye to staff members that are either retiring, leaving to go teach at a different school both in RRISD or in other districts, or are leaving education for the business world.  We thank them ALL for their service to Hopewell Middle School and RRISD.  Their work with our students over the years has been profoundly life changing and their time here at Hopewell has been greatly appreciated and valued.  We wish them all the very best in their new endeavors!

  • Audrey Duncan-Art teacher: Leaving teaching to be a stay home mom
  • Kay Oliver-Read 180 and 8th grade Language Arts: Moving over to Stony Point HS
  • Steven Gradney-Special Education teacher & Boys Athletics coach: Moving over to Stony Point HS
  • Lynn Kaiser-PE teacher and Girl’s Athletics coach and coordinator: Retiring
  • Ruben Banda-Hall Monitor: Retiring
  • Alan Peters-8th Grade Science teacher: Retiring
  • Charles Nugent-7th Grade Texas History: Leaving for opportunity outside of teaching
  • Philip Williams-PE teacher and Boy’s Athletics coach-Moving over to Hernandez MS to take position as Boy’s Athletics’ Coordinator
  • Deborah Bush-Algebra One, Geometry, Tag Math: Leaving to care for her grandmother out of state
  • Holly Faris-7th and 8th Science: Leaving to teach at Burnet MS

    Our summer hours will be Monday through Thursday from 7:00-5:00 beginning the week of June 8th.   The office will be closed the first two weeks in July as we take time to relax, recharge our batteries, and get ready for the 2015-2016 school year!  Regular five day workweek for the Hopewell office staff will resume the week of August 17th

    We will be bagging up the lost and found items the end of next week.   Please encourage your child to check out lost and found and search for any missing items.  Thanks!

    HORNET HELLO AUGUST 24th, 2015:
    Mark your calendars for Hornet Hello 2015!  That’s the day when incoming 6th graders will be engaged in team building / orientation activities with our 8th graders all morning.  6th graders will be picking up their schedules from noon – 2PM, 8th graders from 2-4PM and 7th graders from 4-6PM.   We are having 8th graders before the 7th graders due to the fact that 75 of them will be here anyway helping our 6th graders get ready to be Hopewell Hornets!  ALL students will be able to pick up their schedules, walk their schedules, set up their lockers, and reacquaint with friends during their time slot.  I want our student to walk in the first day of school, Tuesday, August 25th knowing where their classes are, having their lockers ready, and having a great positive attitude.  More information on Hornet Hello will be sent out during the summer.  Make sure that you all have your child’s immunizations up to date and cleared through the nurse’s office.  Make sure that ALL outstanding library and textbook obligations have been cleared with the main office as well prior to picking up schedules at Hornet Hello.  ALL these obligations must be cleared in order to get a schedule and locker.   If you have any questions, please contact either the school nurse or the HMS main office.  Thanks!


    Make sure that your child gets every opportunity to enjoy their summer break with family and friends.  It’s so important to their emotional health to just “be a kid!”  Also, encourage them to read a couple of good books that they are interested in.  Take them to a local book store or library one summer day and allow them to buy or check out a book or two to read.  This will keep their brain sharp and engaged throughout the summer. 

    FOLLOW KARL on TWITTER@KarlWaggoner
    I’m posting pics and comments regarding Hopewell MS school life throughout the year.  A great & easy way to stay tuned to your child’s school through a smart phone app!

    As a life-long middle school educator who has had extensive experience working with various structures of teachers and students, I firmly believe that the structure that is the most effective in ensuring the academic and emotional health of our students is Teaming.  What I mean by teaming is that we divide say the 330 total grade level student population into three smaller learning communities instead of the computer randomly placing students by department.  I believe that having three 110 student learning communities per grade level will enable your child’s teachers to REALLY get to know their students and help them navigate the sometimes difficult and challenging middle school years.  The past several years, Hopewell has not had a TEAMING structure for students and has been what I call more of a Junior High structure where students are organized solely by department.  Where that structure is heavy in data analysis, curriculum planning, it’s not balanced with emotional support that our middle school students need at this crucial point in their lives.   I call the middle school years “the magic in the middle!”  Next year, teachers will meet weekly on their common TEAM time with the assigned counselor, administrator, and any other relevant staff to help learn more about students that are at-risk, struggling, or need additional assistance.  They will be able to discuss both a student’s academic and emotional needs with their Team-mates and parents during that TEAM time to make sure that our student is given every opportunity to be successful.  Additionally, ALL grade level teachers will also have a common planning period with the core academic department teachers (math, science, Language Arts, and Social Studies) to plan those effective learning targets, activities and common tests as well as analyze STAAR data to ensure that all students are successful.  I’m excited for our students next year and know that this will make a big difference in their overall development as an adolescent student.

    Have a GREAT SUMMER!
    KarlFinal Exam Schedule