Friday, December 19, 2014

Waggoner's Word - December 19, 2014

December 19, 2014

Dear Parents,

Calendar of Events for the Week of January 5-9, 2015:
Monday, January 5th: Teacher Staff Development/Work day
Tuesday, January 6th: First day back for students & start of second semester
Wednesday, January 7th:  8th Grade Girls BBall vs. Deerpark, 7th Grade Girls BBall @ Deerpark 5:30PM
Thursday, January 8th: 8th Grade Boys BBall vs. Deerpark, 7th Grade Boys BBall @ Deerpark 5:30PM
Friday, January 9th: Author visit for 7th graders periods 2nd and 3rd in the library

As many of you know, we had a rather unsettling situation involving one of our students as she was walking to school earlier this week.  A man in a red Nissan Altima followed her in the neighborhood surrounding Hopewell and Union Hill.  The man exposed himself to her then drove off.   The girl did the absolute right thing by directly coming to me and reporting the incident.  I immediately called her parents and the Round Rock police.   They have been all over this situation and are following up on several very good leads.  The girl is doing well, was back at school attending her classes and is getting a ton of support by the Hopewell counseling staff.  I am confident that they will catch this creep and put him away where he cannot harm anyone else.  Unfortunately, this horrible event could’ve taken place anywhere really and it’s very important to keep in mind that the Hopewell community and surrounding neighborhood is a very safe area for our kids to live and attend school.  RRISD has been very supportive and have poured time and resources to ensure that our kids are safe coming to and from school.  They will patrol the surrounding neighborhood throughout the day both in regular squad and undercover vehicles.  Please keep your eyes and ears out for anything that looks suspicious or out of the ordinary and report it to law enforcement or Hopewell administration.  We are all committed to ensure that our students are safe in the Hopewell community. 

Our first semester at Hopewell ended yesterday and the students were well behaved and enjoyed their last day before Winter Break.  We have the best students and they are very ready for their two and ½ week break!  I know the staff is too!  Classes resume on Tuesday, January 6th, 2015.

Is your child interested in being a Hopewell Hornet cheerleader for the 2015-2016 school year? If so, there is a MANDATORY informational meeting for students and their parents/guardians on Tuesday, January 13th at 6:00PM in the Hopewell cafeteria.  At the meeting, you find out about the application process as well as all it will take to be a Hornet cheerleader! Again, this it is mandatory that any student and their parent/guardian attend to gain information on the application process. 

Upcoming early 2nd semester events
Game Night: January 15th
PTA Dance: January 30th
Middle School 101 student/parent meeting for rising 6th graders: February 11th
(More information on those exciting events coming in future Waggoner’s Words!)

Hope everyone has a wonderful Winter Break!


A Note From The Nurse:
As we are going into the flu season,  I would like to remind you of our district policy...  if your student develops a fever (100 degrees or higher) or is sent home due to fever, your student must be fever free, without the use of temperature reducing medications for a whole day before returning to school. By adhering to the district policy, you can help prevent the spread of contagious diseases. 
Example #1: Fever Monday, no fever all day Tuesday, return to school Wednesday.
Example #2: Fever Monday, fever Tuesday, fever Wednesday morning-then it breaks, stay home all dayThursday with no fever, return to school Friday.
Remember to also "cover your cough and sneeze please" and wash your hands often. I hope everyone has a safe and HEALTHY Holiday.

Jamie Mayfield, BSN, RN
School Nurse
Hopewell Middle School

Monday, December 15, 2014

Waggoner's Word - December 12, 2014

December 12th, 2014

Dear Parents,

Calendar of Events for the Week of December 15th-19th:

Monday, December 15th: Orchestra Winter Concert-7:00PM HMS Cafeteria

Tuesday, December 16th: Choir Winter Concert-7:00PM HMS Cafeteria

Thursday, December 18th: Go Green Celebration for each grade level

Thursday, December 18th: End of First Semester

Friday, December 19th: Staff Work Day/Begin Student Winter Break

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015: Second Semester begins-students return from Winter Break

REMARK YOUR CALENDARS PLEASE: Our December 17th Hopewell MS No Homework Night has been changed to Friday, January 16th, 2015!!!  Due to the large number of students studying for and taking tests, finishing up any outstanding work and projects etc…we are moving it to the 3 day weekend - Martin Luther King Holiday.  Students will not be coming to school on Monday, January 19th so that will be a nice break from the rigors of doing homework or having to study for a test over that weekend.

Our first annual Middle School 101 for rising 6th graders and parents will be held on Wednesday, February 11th in the Hopewell MS Cafeteria from 6:30PM-8:00PM.  The purpose of MS101 will be to provide our rising 6th graders and their parents an overview of the middle school experience specific to Hopewell.  Information on this evening will be going out in our feeder elementary school principal newsletters in January.


Our Hopewell MS Cell Phone policy dictates that students are to turn off and put away their cell phones during school hours and instructional time including passing periods.  Students may have their phones out at lunch minus texting and using social media.  Students are not to be listening to music during class or have their headphones out.  Teachers may opt to have students use their cell phones for instructional activities/purposes only and only at teacher discretion.  Students that do not comply with this distraction to instruction will have their cell phone picked up and delivered to the main office.  Parents will be required to come up to school and pick up their child’s phone.   We need your help at home to reinforce and support our no cell phone policy during instructional time unless used for instruction.  Thanks!

Two local authors will be visiting our 7th grade students on Friday, January 9th.  Varian Johnson is the author of The Great Greene Heist which is on the 2015 Lone Star Reading List and Jennifer Ziegler who is the author of Revenge of the Flower Girls and How Not to be Popular.  Students will have the special opportunity to purchase personalized autographed copies of these books.  Order forms can be printed out from the attachment in this Waggoner’s Word or picked up in the library.  This would be a great Holiday Gift opportunity!  Please contact Michelle McLaughlin at: 512-464-5222 for more information.

One of our Hopewell MS 8th graders, Adriana Garcia has initiated a TOY DRIVE beginning on Monday, December 15th-December 18th to help put a smile on the faces of kids this holiday season at Dell Children’s Hospital.  Please help this incredible cause that will bring some holiday cheer to these special kids.  You can help by donating new toys, books, and/or art kits.  Your child may drop off the toys at the CHOIR ROOM from 8:00AM – 4:00PM.  Let’s rally around Adriana as a Hopewell School Community as she works to help these kids out!  Thanks!

Below is a great article I ran across in my professional reading dealing with a major issue with our youth in these busy, tech driven times-sleep deprivation.  It affects their physical, academic, and emotional health and keeping on top of this issue as parents is crucial.  Making sure that your children put away their cell phones and computers at a reasonable hour and get a good solid 8 hours of sleep will go a long way to ensure that our students are getting the most out of their school and learning time.  Hope you find the below article helpful.

More on Teen Sleep Deprivation

In this article in Principal Leadership, Saara Myrene Raappana sums up the accumulating research on the deleterious effect of sleep deprivation on teenagers and reports that only 15 percent of U.S. teens get the recommended minimum of eight and a half hours on school nights. The impact:

Athletic performance – Studies of football players, swimmers, and tennis players have shown that getting an ideal amount of sleep improves athletic performance and stamina and reduces fatigue.
Attention span – The NYU Sleep Disorders Program has found that inadequate sleep can result in children displaying hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsiveness.
Bodily health – Proper sleep is linked to reduced inflammation, healthier weight, better cardiovascular health, and a longer life span.
Creativity – The emotional elements of new memories are bolstered during sleep, which may stimulate the creative process, according to a Harvard study.
Driver safety – Driving when sleep-deprived is even more dangerous than driving drunk, according to a 2009 report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. One night of insufficient sleep is equivalent to one alcoholic drink.
Grades and test scores – Numerous studies have shown that students with impaired or irregular sleep perform more poorly on tests and have lower grades than those who get enough sleep.
Memory – Consolidation occurs during sleep, which strengthens memories and helps “practice” skills.
Mental health – Sleep reduces stress levels, decreases anxiety, and can play a part in alleviating symptoms of depression.
There does seem to be a national trend toward later high-school start times: since 2012, high schools in California, Oklahoma, Georgia, and New York have pushed their start times later, joining Connecticut, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Minnesota.

“Let Them Hit Snooze” by Saara Myrene Raappana in Principal Leadership, December 2014 (Vol. 15, #4, p. 14-15),

Our 2013-2014 Report Card based on last year’s STAAR Performance results are now out and available through the Texas Education Agency (TEA).  Please use this link to get to the Hopewell specific data and information:
• School Report Card – The purpose of the SRC is to inform parents and guardians about school performance and characteristics.  Type in the word Hopewell (don’t add middle school) in the box and click search and our report card should pop up.  A hard copy will be going home with each Hopewell student early next semester.

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season with your friends and family.  This is a special time of the year and I hope yours is a great one!  My first semester at Hopewell as principal has been one of the best years I’ve had in over 30 years as an educator.  It’s a true privilege to be at Hopewell.


Monday, December 8, 2014

Waggoner's Word - December 5, 2014

Waggoner’s Word

December 5, 2014

Dear Parents,

Calendar of Events for the Week of December 8th-12th:
Monday, December 8th: Girls BBall vs. Walsh @ Walsh, 7th Grade Girls BBall vs. Walsh 5:30PM
Wednesday, December 10th: 8th Grade Boys BBall @ Walsh, 7th Grade Boys BBall vs. Walsh 5:30PM
Thursday, December 11th: A team Girls BBall Tournament-8th Grade @ Grisham, 7th Grade @ Walsh
Thursday, December 11th: Band, Orchestra and Choir Holiday Tour
Friday, December 12th: 6 weeks Awards Assembly during each grade level advisory in the cafeteria
Friday and Saturday December 12th & 13th: Region Band Concert @ Leander PAC/Running Brushy MS
Saturday, December 13th: A team Girls BBAll Tournament-8th Grade @ Grisham, 7th Grade @ Walsh

Middle School 101 will be held the evening of Wednesday, February 11th from 6:30-8:00PM in our cafeteria for current 5th graders that attend Teravista, Herrington, Union Hill, and Caldwell Heights Elementary schools that feed into Hopewell MS.  We will have presentations from our counselors, elective staff, and will have time for parents to mingle and ask specific questions with the Hopewell elective staff.  Tours of the building will be conducted by current Hopewell 6th graders as well.  It should be a great evening to get oriented with Middle School and Hopewell specific programs.  The 5th graders will be coming over to Hopewell that day to hear the band, orchestra and choir and take a mini-tour of Hopewell.  Course sheets will be given to all 5th graders that same week to take home, fill out, sign, and return to their child’s elementary school.  We will collect all choice sheets, tabulate the choices, and determine the number of sections per course we will need for next year.  More information will be coming your way and through our feeder elementary schools when we get back from Winter Break. 

The second phase of High School 101 is being held this week with counselors talking to our 8th graders about four year plans, high school courses, and other high school specific programs.  More information on transitions will be coming your way after Winter Break.

Our next 6 weeks awards assembly will be held during each advisory before each lunch in the cafeteria.  Instead of taking a full period each six weeks for each grade level and losing all that instructional time, we have modified the event.  Students will still be recognized by their teachers for excellence in the classroom and for perfect attendance in front of their peers but we will not be pulling them from an actual core academic class or elective anymore this year.  We also will be posting student names that make the A and the A/B Honor Rolls in the upper commons and the cafeteria each six weeks.  It’s important that these incredible accomplishments are recognized and displayed throughout the year for all students to aspire to.  Our next Awards assembly will be next Friday, December 12th.

As a reminder, we are expecting all our students to have their cell phones turned off and put away during instructional time except for times when teachers are having students use them for research or other class reasons. Instructional time is from 8:20AM-3:30PM.  If you need to get a hold of your child, please call the main office and we will get them your message.  Please do not text or call them during the school day as that can be disruptive to instructional time. Thanks for your help and support with that!

Reminder that Game Night (formerly the 6th Grade Tailgate Party) has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 15th.  We will be playing games, showing school pride, face painting, etc. and the concessions stand will be open.  We encourage all 6th graders to then attend the basketball game with admission being only $1.00!! More information will be coming right after Winter Break.

As many of you know, we have been having our students take Benchmark Tests throughout the first semester. This data we gain from the assessment results will give us valuable information regarding the direction we need to go in order to ensure that our students are best prepared for the upcoming STAAR exams later spring semester.  We are not specifically teaching to the STAAR tests but we are ensuring that the Texas Essential Knowledge Skills or TEKS are being thoroughly taught and specific objectives are effectively hit.  Our teachers are working very hard each and every day to ensure that your children are getting the best education possible.  With our increase in rigor, our focus on making learning relevant, and mission to build positive relationships, our students are being given the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the TEKS. 

As we strive to successfully transition our middle schoolers from 6th grade to the high school, it is imperative that we allow them to learn the life skill of self advocacy.  Please encourage your 6th -8th grader to talk to their teacher if they have an assignment question, or a question regarding a test or quiz.  Allow them the take the step to work out their problem or issue.  As parents, (and I am one!) our tendency is to solve these issues for them.  Please help us help them to build self-confidence by advocating for themselves.  If you have a specific question regarding an issue after your child has tried to work it out with their teacher, please contact the teacher prior to contacting an administrator.  Allow the teacher to explain the situation first by a face to face meeting or a phone call.  Thanks!

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.  It’s certainly a magical time of the year for your children and our students.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Waggoner's Word - November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21st, 2014

Dear Parents,

Calendar of Events for the Week of November 24th-28th:
Thanksgiving Break all week-No School

Calendar of Events for the Week of December 1st-5th:
Monday, December 1st :  8th Girls BBall vs. Canyon Vista, 7th Girls BBall @ Canyon Vista 5:30PM
Tuesday, December 2nd:  Winter Band Concert 7PM at the RRISD Hartfield PAC
Wednesday, December 3rd: Early Release Day @ 1:30PM for teacher professional development
Wednesday, December 3rd: 8th Grade Boys BBall vs. Canyon Vista, 7th Boys BBall @ Canyon Vista 5:30PM
Thursday, December 4th: Girls 8th BBall “B” Tournament @ Hopewell, Girls 7th BBall “B” Tournament @ CD Fulkes5:30PM
Thursday, December 4th: Theater Performance: 7PM Hopewell Cafeteria
Friday, December 5th: Theater Performance: 7PM Hopewell Cafeteria

Our first No Homework Night was held this past Wednesday and hopefully our students and families were able to spend some time together without the stressors of school work-at least for one day.  We are revising our four remaining NHN dates in order to ensure that ALL subjects (including High School credit courses) are able to comply with the expectation on the designated nights.  Teravista is on board and the other elementary Hopewell MS feeders are considering it but are awaiting approval from their Campus Leadership Teams.

The REVISED dates are as follows so please take note and mark your calendars:
Wednesday, December 17th
Wednesday, February 18th
Wednesday, March 11th
Wednesday, May 6th

Our first annual 6th grade Hotdog Cookout Tailgate Party was rained out a couple of weeks ago and unfortunately it was our last 8th grade football game of the season!  SO, the PTA moms and I have decided to reschedule it for before the 8thgrade boys basketball game on Thursday, January 15th.  We are renaming this Hotdog Cookout “GAME NIGHT” and will be held from 4-5PM outside the gym entrance.  6th grade students will be encouraged to attend the game after the tailgate and cheer on the 8th grade boys.  More information will be coming home with the 6th graders in January and in future Waggoner’s Words.
Students in grades 2-12 enrolled in a Round Rock ISD schools and district staff can get Office 365 FREE for their home and personal computers and tablets by visiting and completing the registration process.
The program is a part of the district’s purchase of the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. This opportunity for our families came free of charge from Microsoft as part of this agreement.
All enrolled RRISD students in grades 2 and higher have RRISD email addresses, which are Gmail accounts. To access the student's district email account, go to
The username for your student's email account is their email address: the letter "s" followed by his/her student ID number, ( 
The default password for that account is the student's birth date: mmddyyyy
(Some students have changed their will be the same as the password they use to log onto a computer at their school)
Please contact your student's campus if you do not have his/her ID number.
Visit, register through either the student or staff portal, and start enjoying FREE Office 365 in your home.

Please make sure that if your child misses school that they bring in a note from you or the doctor/dentist and give to our Attendance Secretary at the front desk.  It is crucial that we get these absences documented and in our files.  The State of Texas Compulsory Attendance Law requires that students are in school at least 90% of the school year which amounts to no more than 18 school days.  Students that are absent in excess of 18 school days will have their absences reviewed by a Hopewell Attendance Committee and depending on the situation for the absences, will need to make up some of that instructional time lost.  We will hold Saturday School for students that have excessive absences and tardies, as well as for students that display persistent misbehavior in class.  Saturday School will be held at Hopewell MS from 8:30-11:30the following dates in December and January:  December 6th, December 13th, January 10th and January 24th.

Our 2nd 6 weeks Student Attendance Rate was at 97.6% which is exceptional.   As we enter the flu season, please make sure that you encourage your child to wash their hands frequently and take other steps to help keep your child well and healthy!   I also commended the staff for creating a motivating learning environment and school climate where students WANT to be at Hopewell MS.  Our school is safe and our students are engaged in quality learning.  At this time of the year, for that we all can be thankful!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends.
Our students and staff will be off the entire next week recharging their batteries for the last three weeks of the semester!

Take care and be safe!

Please see the attached link to purchase discounted tickets for the Austin Spurs Hockey game December 6th. Last day to purchase tickets is December 2nd.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Waggoner's Word - Nov. 14, 2014

November 14th, 2014

Dear Parents,

Calendar of Events for the Week of November 17th-21st:
Monday, November 17th: 7th Grade Girl’s BB vs. Cedar Valley, 8th Grade Girl’s @ Cedar Valley 5:30PM
Tuesday, November 18th: Picture Retakes
Wednesday, November 19th: Hopewell MS NO HOMEWORK NIGHT
Thursday, November 20th: 7th Grade Boy’s BB vs. Cedar Valley, 8th Grade Boy’s @ Cedar Valley 5:30PM
Monday, November 24th-Friday, November 28th: Thanksgiving Break all week.  School resumes on Monday, December 1st.

Congratulations to Hopewell MS Staff member for the month of November, Willie Kline-6th grade math.  October staff member of the month was Vickie Bradford who is our building instructional technology coordinator.  Both are very well deserving of this staff generated honor!

We held our First Annual Hopewell MS Veteran’s Day Assembly this past Tuesday, November 11th in our gym.  Our student council under the staff sponsorship of Veronica Mackey and Kay Oliver organized the event and it was an incredibly moving and successful event for our students and staff.  Our students were very well behaved, respectful and totally engaged throughout the 45 minute long assembly and made us all very proud.  Our student council president, Jennifer Alviar gave a terrific talk and introduced our first speaker, Cpt. Erika Courtier who is a Commander in the Texas National Guard.  Moryah Kline our 6th grade student council representative introduced our second speaker, Martin Cudzilo who served in the United States Army and graduated from West Point.  Dejon McIlwain one of our 7th grade student council reps announced the winners of our school-wide Veteran’s Day writing essay contest.  Additionally, our band, orchestra, choir and dance team performed to various patriotic songs throughout the assembly.   Several of our Hopewell MS teachers and staff that are also Veterans were also honored and sat in our designated VIP section for the event.  We were also honored that our RRISD Superintendent Dr. Stephen Flores and Chief of Schools and Innovation Dr. Daniel Presley attended our event along with community members that were Veterans of various wars and conflicts.  They all made our event a special one.  This event was important as it shined the rightful light on all those Americans that have served in the military to ensure that we can be free.  They and their families have put so much on the line and have sacrificed so much and for that we are grateful.

Thank you Sandra Logston and Gilberto Herrera for putting together another successful Family Fitness Night at Hopewell on a cold Thursday evening.  The event was well attended and all those that were there had a great time visiting the incredible vendor booths and participating in the events.  Thanks again for a terrific evening and we look forward to next year!

Our first NO HOMEWORK NIGHT will be this coming Wednesday, November 19th.  There will be no homework assigned due the next day, nor will there be any tests or quizzes for our students on Thursday to study for.  I want to thank Teravista Elementary for their participation and support of our Hopewell MS NH Nights.  The spirit of NH Nights is to promote family time and to give the students a break from the rigors of school.

Please continue to support our School-Wide Reading Initiative here at Hopewell MS. We want all our students to bring books to each of their classes and to Advisory every day.  When students are finished with their class work, they are encouraged to get out their book and read.  When at home and they are finished with their homework and their day, encourage them to pick up their book and read a chapter. This initiative is crucial in our digital age to help promote fluency, comprehension and vocabulary.  Thanks!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Throw a log on the fire and stay warm!



Another Coats for kids event sponsored by the Junior League of Austin is underway. Please stop by the front office to pick up a flyer with information of eligibility. If you have any questions, please call the Coats for Kids office at (512) 467-8982, send an e-mail to, or Proof of eligibility will be required on Distribution Day, Saturday, December 13th, from 8 am to 3 pm at the Palmer Events Center.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Waggoner's Word - November 7, 2014

Waggoner's Word - November 7, 2014

November 7th, 2014

Dear Parents,

Calendar of Events for the Week of: November 10th-14th

November 10th– 14th. Book Fair in the Library 7:50AM – 3:45PM
Tuesday, November 11th: Veteran’s Day Assembly Main Gym 8:30AM
Thursday, November 13th: Family Fitness Night @ Hopewell MS-5:30-7:00PM (Book Fair will be open!)
Friday, November 14th: GO-GREEN Positive Behavior Support reward event for students 11AM-1:30PM

It is with great sadness that I inform the Hopewell Community that one of our staff members, Jane Bohne passed away this week after a long battle with cancer.  She was an exceptional teacher who worked hard with our ESL students.  She dedicated her life to provide students an opportunity to learn the English language and see them become successful students and citizens.  Her loss is profound and we will miss her deeply.   Her memorial service is next Tuesday, November 11th at 4PM and we could use some parent help covering classes so that staff that want to attend, can.  Please email Eva Vick if you can be at Hopewell from 2:45-3:30 and help cover a class.  Teachers that will be going will be leaving work for their students to do and will need you to help monitor and supervise the students.  We could really use your help as we rally behind Jane’s family and offer the support that they will need during this very difficult time.  Thanks!

Our First Annual Veteran’s Day Assembly sponsored by the Hopewell Student Council is next Tuesday, November 11th at 8:30AM in our gym.  We will be honoring those men and women that have served our country in the armed forces and have sacrificed so that we can be free.  Remembering and honoring our Veterans is an import lesson for our students as they grow up and reap the benefits of this great nation.  If you know a Veteran please pass on the word that you and they are welcome to attend our school-wide assembly next Tuesday morning. 

Next Thursday evening is our 3rd Annual Family Fitness Night from 5:30-7:00 PM.  Come and meet representatives from the Texas Stars, Round Rock Express, Round Rock Fire, Round Rock K-9 Unit, The Main Event, Austin Aztex, and the Austin Toros now Spurs.  There will be plenty of fun games, great prizes and over 20 local businesses and organizations at the event to share all the wonderful ways we can get and stay active and fit within our great Hopewell community.  Complete a passport to be entered into a drawing for fitness equipment and passes to the Austin Sports Arena.  The first 50 students to complete the passport will be able to high five our Austin Spurs in the fan tunnel at a game in December.  Hope to see you all there!

As we continue to ensure that Hopewell remains a safe school for all students, we are communicating our expectations to our student body that we will not tolerate any bullying or harassing behavior, will investigate every reported incident, will assure the victim that the behavior will be stopped, and that the bully will be held accountable.  Students that persistently bully or harass other students will face serious consequences at Hopewell Middle School.  Additionally, any students that are caught fighting, throwing punches as the aggressor or in retaliation will be suspended from school for a minimum of two school days.  We will not tolerate this inappropriate and unacceptable behavior and we will continue to educate our students that handling issues through physical, harmful actions is not how we as a civil society operate.   Middle school is about experiencing a variety of “learning curves” and it is our job as educators to teach our students about acceptable and unacceptable behavior so they will grow up to be happy and productive citizens.  Please help support our efforts at Hopewell regarding this issue and reinforce our expectations with your child.  We are all in this together and are an effective team.  Thanks for your help and support.

We had a great High School 101 student/parent program Wednesday evening in the Hopewell cafeteria and lower commons area.  Over 150 people braved the rain, wind and cold and heard presentations by the Stony Point HS Academy Directors, IB coordinator, and ROTC coordinator about elective choices and structures for next school year.  One of our campus goals this year is to improve on our transitions both into middle school and into high school for our students.  I like to call the middle school experience “magic in the middle” because so much physical, emotional, and academic growth occurs during those years.  This First Annual High School 101 event gave our 8th graders and their parents a broad overview of high school electives and an opportunity to ask specific questions of the Academy Directors and the Stony Point students they all brought with them.  It was an exceptional experience and one that we will continue next year as well.  The next steps for our 8th graders will be to hear course selection presentations by the Stony Point Counselors in February.  We got the wheels turning this week and took our first steps to high school.  I also want to extend a very special thank you to our WONDERFUL PTA for providing cookies and waters to our guests and presenters last night.   That added a very special touch to a great evening.  

Hopewell MS now has our very own YouTube Channel!! We will  post videos throughout the year depicting various events and school life on the channel.  You may access our YouTube Channel via our school website main page.  The link is found on the left side of the main page toward the bottom of the link menu.  Click on the link and our channel will pop up!  The first video is a recording of the High School 101 8th – 9th grade transition student parent meeting held on Wednesday, November 5th with presentations by the Stony Point Academy Directors.  Check it out.  I’m sure that the next video posted will be of our Veteran’s Day Assembly next Tuesday, November 11th. 

We have had several complaints from patrons that parents are parking the fire lanes between Hopewell MS and Union Hill Elementary schools.  It is our mission to ensure that all our students are safe and that any emergency vehicles are able to access our buildings 24/7. Please help us by not parking in those fire lanes or leaving your vehicle unattended in a fire lane when picking up your students from school.  Thanks!
Lastly, at Hopewell Middle School we will be implementing 5 No Homework Nights this school year with the first one being Wednesday, November 19th.  That means that absolutely no homework will be assigned by any teacher at Hopewell that evening and that no tests or quizzes will be given the next school day.  Additionally, we will not be doubling up on homework the next school day.  We want our kids to have a break from the rigors of school and have time to just be kids, play outside, hang out with their friends, and have some quality family time.  One Hopewell feeder elementary school, Teravista Elementary will be supporting our efforts and will also not be assigning homework those nights nor give quizzes or tests the next school day.  One other feeder elementary is considering it and I thank them both for supporting our efforts to promote family time.  The dates for Hopewell No Homework Nights set for this school year are:November 19thDecember 10thFebruary 11thApril 8th, and May 27th

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Waggoner's Word - October 31, 2014

October 31st, 2014

Dear Parents,

Calendar of Events for the Week of November 3rd-7th:

Saturday, November 1st: Region Band Auditions ALL day @ Canyon Ridge MS, Cedar Park MS, and Chisholm Trail MS

Sunday, November 2nd: Daylight Savings Time Begins early Sunday morning.  Fall BACK one hour.

Monday, November 3rd: 7th FBall vs. Deerpark 5:30PM @ McNeil HS

Monday, November 3rd: 7th VBall @. Grisham MS 5:30PM

Monday, November 3rd: 8th VBall vs. Grisham MS 5:30PM

Tuesday, November 4th: Election Day-Please vote!

Tuesday, November 4th: 6th Grade Tailgate Party 4:30-5:30PM @ Dragon Stadium in the parking lot by the baseball fields-look for the grills and smoke cooking the hotdogs!  Parents will need to drop off and pick up.  Students may the football game after the tailgate party.

Tuesday, November 4th: 8th FBall vs. Deerpark @ Dragon Stadium 5:30PM

Wednesday, November 5th: High School 101 6:30-8:00PM

Thursday, November 6th: Fall Choir Concert 7:00PM Cafeteria

Our first annual 6th Grade Tailgate Party will be held at Dragon Stadium this next Tuesday, November 4th at 4:30-5:30PM in the parking lot by the baseball fields.  Just follow the smoke where the hotdogs will be cooking on the grill!  Students will hang out with their friends, be led in cheers by our Hopewell MS Cheerleaders, and then go to the game for the B and A game vs. Deerpark.  Tailgate tickets will be on sale Monday and Tuesday during the 6th grade lunch for $3 and game tickets will be on sale for $1 at the tailgate.  Have them bring some extra money to spend at the concession stand if they are going to the game.  Parents please drop off and pick up your 6th grader from Dragon Stadium as there will not be a bus provided for this event.  You might want to carpool due to the distance to the game from Hopewell. The A game should be over by 8:00PM and you are all certainly welcome to join in the fun at our Tailgate Party!  Thanks!

High School 101 will be held at Hopewell in the Cafeteria from 6:30-8:00PM.  Stony Point Academy Directors, IB Director, and a representative from the ROTC will be there to present their programs.  Students from Stony Point will also be there to help explain each Academy’s requirements.  This is our first step towards the transition from middle school to high school and is open to all 8th grade students and parents.  Hope to see you there!

Mr. Spears one of our 7th grade math teachers has resigned for personal reasons effective October 31st.  I have hired a long-term substitute, Sandra Latham who is a math certified teacher to fill that position on an interim basis until Mr. Spears’ replacement can be found and hired.  We first need to post the position , screen applicants, and conduct interviews to get the best possible person in that crucial position for our students.  Your students are in great hands with Mrs. Latham! They deserve nothing but the best teacher possible and my mission is to do just that.  I will keep you posted!

Please do a double-check and make sure that your students have a good book to read and are bringing it with them to each class.  Our school-wide Reading initiative has been a terrific success so far and the vast majority of our students are participating on a daily basis.  Your help and support with this program will be greatly appreciated.  If they want to bring an electronic reading device that is fine too-just make sure that they have it labeled with their name and that they take great care of it throughout the school day.  Hopewell MS and RRISD are not responsible for stolen, lost or damaged eBooks or electronic devices.  Don’t forget that students are able to now download eBooks from our school website and library.  Thanks!

Don’t forget to mark your calendars!  Our 3rd Annual Hopewell MS Fitness Night is on Thursday, November 13th from 5:30-7:30PM in the gym, cafeteria, and commons area.  Come meet representatives from the Texas Stars, Round Rock Express, Round Rock Fire, Round Rock K-9 Unit, The Main Event, Austin Aztex, and the Austin Toros now the Austin Spurs.  There will be awesome games, prizes and over 20 local businesses and organizations at Hopewell that night to share all the wonderful ways we can get active and get fit within our own great Round Rock community.  Complete a passport to be entered into a drawing for fitness equipment and passes to the Austin Sports Arena.  The first 50 students to complete the passport will be able to high five our Austin Spurs in the fan tunnel at a game TBD in December.  Students will get more exciting details on the morning announcements and information on the event will be attached to their next progress report next week.  It will be posted on the PTA FaceBook page as well.  Hope to see you all there for this great Hopewell Community event!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Don’t forget to FALL BACK one hour Saturday Night!

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Waggoner's Word October 24, 2014

October 24th, 2014
Dear Parents,

Calendar of Events for the week of October 27th-31st:
Monday, October 27th: 7th FBall vs. Hernandez @ Dragon Stadium 5:30PM
Tuesday, October 28th: 8th FBall vs. Hernandez @ Hernandez 5:30PM
Wednesday, October 29th: Early Release 1:30 PM
Thursday, October 30th: 7th VBall vs. Chisholm Trail 5:30PM, 8th VBall @ Chisholm Trail 5:30PM
Saturday, November 1st: Region Band Auditions time/place TBD

We had our Hopewell MS Mock Election Results for the Texas Gubernatorial Election last Friday afternoon under the eye of polling official Mr. Goins.   The 900 students were all issued a ballot and voted for Governor of Texas.  Below are the results:
Davis: 471 votes
Abbott: 234 votes
Glass: 128
Parmer: 67
Please exercise your right to vote on Tuesday, November 4th!
We are SO excited to be hosting our 3rd Annual Hopewell MS Fitness Night on Thursday, November 13thfrom 5:30-7:30PM in the gym, cafeteria, and commons area.  Come meet representatives from the Texas Stars, Round Rock Express, Round Rock Fire, Round Rock K-9 Unit, The Main Event, Austin Aztex, and the Austin Toros now the Austin Spurs.  There will be awesome games, prizes and over 20 local businesses and organizations at Hopewell that night to share all the wonderful ways we can get active and get fit within our own great Round Rock community.  Complete a passport to be entered into a drawing for fitness equipment and passes to the Austin Sports Arena.  The first 50 students to complete the passport will be able to high five our Austin Spurs in the fan tunnel at a game TBD in December.  Students will get more exciting details on the morning announcements and information on the event will be attached to their next progress report next week.  It will be posted on the PTA FaceBook page as well.  Hope to see you all there for this great Hopewell Community event!

The Hopewell Administrators have devised a tardy to class policy which is on our school website listed on the Home Page under our school then under campus information.  We will be making announcementstomorrow over the PA system and teachers will be reviewing it tomorrow during their classes.  Your help and support with our policy will help get our students to class on time and maximize their instructional time.  It’s important that our students are IN class and engaged early in the lesson.  Thanks!

Information on our first annual 6th Grade Hopewell Tailgate Party is also on the Homepage under the Tardy Policy.  Tickets will be going on sale during 6th grade lunch next week.  Students will be issued a wristband to redeem their hotdog, chips and water at the game.  Please help make sure that they do not lose it. The Tailgate Flyer will be attached to all the 6th graders progress reports next week so be looking for that as well!
We want to also make sure that EVERY student at Hopewell MS feels safe while at school.  We do not tolerate bullying and harassing behavior and will investigate every reported bullying and harassment report that we receive.  Please encourage your children to always treat others with dignity and respect.  Certainly teasing is part of middle school, but when the teasing persists and becomes routine and personal is when the line into the bullying and harassment realm is crossed.   Please encourage them to not cross that line and be nice to others.  We have a protocol in place for when bullying is reported to us by students, parents, and staff.  Again, we take every report seriously and do our level best to stop it and hold those students that are bullying responsible.  Thanks for your help with this important initiative.

Texas Destination Imagination is a creative problem solving educational organization that strives to promote creativity in the youth of Texas and the United States.  Texas DI is reaching more than 16,000 students a year.  DI is an extraordinary non-profit organization that provides educational programs for students to learn and experience creativity, problem solving and teamwork and participate in tournaments.  Over 100,000 students are involved in the United States and more than 30 countries provide DI for their kids.  Students and teams are tested to think on their feet, work together and devise original solutions that satisfy the requirements of the various set challenges.  DI is a great opportunity to be involved in 21st Century Learning and will be a great resume item for college applications.  We are seeking students to be on teams at Hopewell for this school year along with parent volunteers and team sponsors.  Elena Evans and Sarah Sharp are our Hopewell teacher sponsors and will be organizing our teams this year.  Please contact them by October 30thif your child is interested in participating.

School Dance is tonight, October 24th. Please make sure that your children are picked up directly after the dance is over.  6th grade: 6:00-7:30PM, 7th & 8th grade: 7:40-9:10PM.  Students may wear costumes but must also be dress code compliant.  No masks may be worn.   Thanks!!

Don’t forget to join the Hopewell PTA.  Membership dues are only $8 and info/forms can be found on the PTA link on the Hopewell homepage.  Thanks!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!