Friday, December 19, 2014

Waggoner's Word - December 19, 2014

December 19, 2014

Dear Parents,

Calendar of Events for the Week of January 5-9, 2015:
Monday, January 5th: Teacher Staff Development/Work day
Tuesday, January 6th: First day back for students & start of second semester
Wednesday, January 7th:  8th Grade Girls BBall vs. Deerpark, 7th Grade Girls BBall @ Deerpark 5:30PM
Thursday, January 8th: 8th Grade Boys BBall vs. Deerpark, 7th Grade Boys BBall @ Deerpark 5:30PM
Friday, January 9th: Author visit for 7th graders periods 2nd and 3rd in the library

As many of you know, we had a rather unsettling situation involving one of our students as she was walking to school earlier this week.  A man in a red Nissan Altima followed her in the neighborhood surrounding Hopewell and Union Hill.  The man exposed himself to her then drove off.   The girl did the absolute right thing by directly coming to me and reporting the incident.  I immediately called her parents and the Round Rock police.   They have been all over this situation and are following up on several very good leads.  The girl is doing well, was back at school attending her classes and is getting a ton of support by the Hopewell counseling staff.  I am confident that they will catch this creep and put him away where he cannot harm anyone else.  Unfortunately, this horrible event could’ve taken place anywhere really and it’s very important to keep in mind that the Hopewell community and surrounding neighborhood is a very safe area for our kids to live and attend school.  RRISD has been very supportive and have poured time and resources to ensure that our kids are safe coming to and from school.  They will patrol the surrounding neighborhood throughout the day both in regular squad and undercover vehicles.  Please keep your eyes and ears out for anything that looks suspicious or out of the ordinary and report it to law enforcement or Hopewell administration.  We are all committed to ensure that our students are safe in the Hopewell community. 

Our first semester at Hopewell ended yesterday and the students were well behaved and enjoyed their last day before Winter Break.  We have the best students and they are very ready for their two and ½ week break!  I know the staff is too!  Classes resume on Tuesday, January 6th, 2015.

Is your child interested in being a Hopewell Hornet cheerleader for the 2015-2016 school year? If so, there is a MANDATORY informational meeting for students and their parents/guardians on Tuesday, January 13th at 6:00PM in the Hopewell cafeteria.  At the meeting, you find out about the application process as well as all it will take to be a Hornet cheerleader! Again, this it is mandatory that any student and their parent/guardian attend to gain information on the application process. 

Upcoming early 2nd semester events
Game Night: January 15th
PTA Dance: January 30th
Middle School 101 student/parent meeting for rising 6th graders: February 11th
(More information on those exciting events coming in future Waggoner’s Words!)

Hope everyone has a wonderful Winter Break!


A Note From The Nurse:
As we are going into the flu season,  I would like to remind you of our district policy...  if your student develops a fever (100 degrees or higher) or is sent home due to fever, your student must be fever free, without the use of temperature reducing medications for a whole day before returning to school. By adhering to the district policy, you can help prevent the spread of contagious diseases. 
Example #1: Fever Monday, no fever all day Tuesday, return to school Wednesday.
Example #2: Fever Monday, fever Tuesday, fever Wednesday morning-then it breaks, stay home all dayThursday with no fever, return to school Friday.
Remember to also "cover your cough and sneeze please" and wash your hands often. I hope everyone has a safe and HEALTHY Holiday.

Jamie Mayfield, BSN, RN
School Nurse
Hopewell Middle School