Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Waggoner's Word - Special Edition October 21, 2014

October 21st, 2014

Dear Parents,

This is a special edition of Waggoner’s Word newsletter to let you know of a great after school opportunity for your children. Texas Destination Imagination is a creative problem solving educational organization that strives to promote creativity in the young people of Texas. Texas Destination Imagination is reaching more than 16,200 students a year. “DI” is an extraordinary non-profit organization that provides educational programs for students to learn, participate in and experience creativity, teamwork and more than 100,000 students across the U.S and in more than 30 countries. DI’s core program is an educational program in which teams of five to seven students solve an open-ended Challenge and present their solutions at Tournaments. Teams are tested to think on their feet, work together and devise original solutions that satisfy the requirements of the Challenges.

We are seeking students to be on the team and parent volunteers to co-sponsor teams along with Hopewell DI staff coordinators Ms. Evans-Math Intervention Specialist: elena_evans@roundrockisd.organd Ms. Sharp-6th and 7th grade Science teacher: sarah_sharp@roundrockisd.org.  Please contact them by October 30th, if you and your student are interested in participating. We are making announcements this week over our PA system promoting DI to our students.

For more information, please go to the Destination Imagination website at: http://www.destinationimagination.org