Monday, April 4, 2016

Waggoner's Word - April 1, 2016


April 1, 2016

Dear Parents,

Calendar of Events for the Week of April 4th- 8th
Monday, April 4th: 7th/8th Boys and Girls District Track Meet 4-8PM Dragon Stadium (boys running events/girls field events)
Tuesday, April 5th: 7th/8th Boys and Girls District Track Meet 4-8 PM Dragon Stadium (girls running events/boys field events)
Tuesday, April 5th: Beginning March Festival
Tuesday, April 5th: Spring Picture Day in the Lecture Hall
Wednesday, April 6th: UIL Choir Competition at East View HS. 11:40AM
Thursday, April 7th: UIL Choir Competition Varsity Girls East View HS 2:20PM
Thursday, April 7th: Early College High School Informational Meeting @ 6PM in the Hopewell Cafeteria
Thursday, April 7th: Stony Point Vertical Team Student Leadership Awards Banquet SPHS Cafeteria 6:30PM
Friday, April 8th: End of the 5th six weeks grading period

Congratulations Team Hopewell! I am so excited to hear that our Hopewell Junior Historian officers are going to get well-deserved district recognition for their hard work.  What follows are some questions and answers from sponsor Jennifer Lovejoy regarding this important recognition.  
What did the students have to do to reach the state finals? Once the kids decided on a topic, the officers set up a date to go to the Williamson Museum to do preliminary research.  This year, not only did they spend a half-day (Saturday) doing this, but they also took a tour of the courthouse where the trial actually occurred.  They the use primary and secondary resources to complete their research, on both their own time and club time (Fridays after school).  They have to write a process paper, delineating the steps they went through to make the project.  They also have to design the board, what goes on the board, and a bibliography.  The kids worked with the school's woodshop and Engineering teacher to construct the board. Once the board was completed, they went to the Cen-Tex Regional History Day Fair (Austin this year).  They went up against all middle schools in the Central Texas area (who had a group project), and they won second place.  (First and second place go to state.)  The students get a ton of feedback about their project, so that they can improve it before state competition.  (That is what they have been working on for the last five weeks or so... including over their Spring Break.) This weekend, April 2nd, the kids will show their project at the Texas State Historical Association Annual History Day Fair.  From there, they will have a few more weeks to make any final changes, using judges feedback again, to the project before it goes to state on April 30th at the Bob Bullock Museum.  At state, they are up against all middle schools in the state of Texas.  If they get first or second place, they are eligible to go to the National History Day fair in Washington, D.C., where they would compete against projects all over the nation.  (This is our first year to compete, so I am not expecting us to go that far.)  I am tremendously proud of our kiddos.  Our club officers have put so much effort into this project, I am truly amazed. They have done our club proud.  
What do you mean by exhibit? What was the exhibit? Their exhibit is a three-dimensional board four feet tall by (roughly) six feet wide.  On it they place all of the research they have done.  They have primary source photographs and short passages that tell the "story". This year, the kids did their research on "The First Successful Prosecution of the KKK", which was spearheaded by Dan Moody, who later became Governor of Texas.  The trial occurred right here in Williamson County at the Georgetown Courthouse.  (I will send you a photo of our board when the kids are done re-working it.) 
How long did students work on the exhibit? The students start deciding what their chapter project (done by our officers this year) in the first couple of meetings in the school year.  The rules state that you can't start on it before that.
What are the exhibits judged on? The exhibits are judged on historical quality (60%), relation to the theme (20%) - every year the National History Day announces a new topic, clarity of presentation (20%), and rules compliance.  The Junior Historian Club sponsors cannot work on the project; we can only offer guidance.  So, the kids arrive at the venue, set up their process paper, bibliography, and exhibit. They are also interviewed by the judges, who can ask them any questions they want about the project, construction, and/or process. There are also special awards that our kids are eligible for.  This year, they won the research award at Cen-Tex, the regional competition. The award was given by Locke Lord LLP and is called the Legal History Award.  The kids were awarded this for "outstanding achievement in the National History Day Program 2016 Cen-Tex Regional History Fair".  They are up for a similar award at state.

The TAG surveys are now open.  TAG parents and students please complete the survey. The results of this survey will be used for the Community & Student Engagement reporting for each campus.  Parents please complete the survey for each of your identified TAG students. 

Students can complete the survey at school or provided the link to complete it at home. 
The surveys will close on April 21, 2016
Thank you!

Hopewell’s two bins are almost completely full! You all are doing a wonderful job supporting this terrific and easy service to the community.  Please bring in as many cans as you can.
The Round Rock ISD Student Advisory Board is sponsoring a district-wide food drive in conjunction with the 2016 Round Rock Empty Bowls Festival.
The Round Rock Empty Bowls Festival is held on Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 11am-2pm at Cedar Ridge High School.  Since 2010, the Festival has been involved in hunger relief, funding and awareness for The Round Rock Serving Center.
The Round Rock Empty Bowls Student Advisory Board Food Drive runs from March 21-April 8, 2016.
Students, faculty and community are encouraged to bring food donations from March 21-April 8, 2016.  
Most Needed Items to Collect
• Canned vegetables - corn and green beans are the most popular• canned fruit• canned soup• Top Ramen• peanut butter• macaroni ‘n cheese• canned meat and tuna• pasta - spaghetti, macaroni• rice and pinto beans• cereal• toilet paper• diapers
On April 8th, each campus student council is asked to report their number of items total via a Google Drive document that will be available at:
At the Festival on Saturday, April 9, 2016 the single top total in each category: Elementary, Middle and High School will be awarded an artistic trophy to the winning campus for the next year.
Collection boxes will be picked up with all donations from campuses on 4/11-4/12.
Please let me know if there are questions.
Warm regards,
Tim Lowke
Assistant Director of Visual & Performing Arts

STAAR Testing went very well this past week on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Our 7th and 8th graders are no doubt done with that for a while!  They were engaged, on-task, and tried their very best on this state assessment.  Thanks for all your support as a parental community.  One more reason why Hopewell is one of the best middle schools in RRISD!
FLASHBACK TO THE 90's!  PTA is having a fundraiser SPRING dance TODAY, Friday April 1st. Tickets are $5.00 & will be sold at the door.  Bring extra money as we will be selling COOL snap bracelets 2 for $1.00 & Spirit sticks for $1.00 each.  We will also have food, snacks & drinks for sale.  6th graders 6-730 pm & 7th / 8th graders are 730 - 9. Show your support & help us RAISE money to fund great stuff for your kids like GO GREEN.
We would like your input in recommending officers for the 2016-17 school year.  Please click on the attached file for the positions available and for more information. 
It is fundamental to our organization that we fill these positions with interested and dedicated parents who are committed to the well-being of our students, staff & families. 
If you are interested in one of these positions or know someone who is worthy of nomination, please respond no later than April 22, 2016 to the committee via email at
Shoparoo is almost up to 100,000 Roo points = $200.00!  With only 70 supporters we could use your help – it's a FREE app & all you do is snap pictures of your receipts!!!!  Money raised will go towards things needed for the school.  If you don’t want to snap – turn your receipts over to someone who does! 
Stop by before April 14th. Anything left after that will be donated to the District Clothing Closet. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Enjoy the beautiful weather
