Monday, April 11, 2016

Waggoner's Word - April 11, 2016

April 8, 2016

Dear Parents,

Calendar of Events for the Week of April 11th-15th:
Friday, April 15th: Honor Band trip to Dallas Metroplex
Saturday, April 16th: Orchestra Solo Ensemble @ Hopewell MS 8AM – 3PM

Our school district has taken a big step in integrating technology into our classrooms and homes. Atomic Learning is a key partner in our dedication to providing the highest quality technology training resources available. In addition to being a resource for our staff and students, our subscription to Atomic Learning is available to all families of our students for use in the home.
How to Login:
Login using the RRISD Parent and Community Member Login Credentials:
Username: roundrockparent
Password: learning
*Get started by visiting to learn how to use Atomic Learning.  No login required.

Thank you Hopewell students and parents for contributing to the RRISD Empty Bowls annual food drive.  We have two large bins full of non-perishable canned and boxed foods for those families that are in need.  A very special thank you goes out to one of our 7th grade Language Arts teachers Mrs. Robin LeSane for spearheading our Hopewell effort. The food drive ended at the end of the day Friday, April 8th.   Thanks again for your support!

Last evening, we had 22 Hopewell student leaders recognized by RRISD Board members and Dr. Flores at Stony Point High School along with student leaders from Stony Point HS and Hernandez MS.  What a great evening and our student leaders truly did an exceptional job representing our great school.  There are so many more students that deserve to be recognized for their leadership talents but we had to narrow it to the following:
National Junior Honor Society Leaders
Jasmine Skaggs
Chloe Mackenzie
Anne-Marie Prosper
Destiny Millerd
Kaley McMahon
Courtney Jordan
Justin Chen
Student Council Leaders
Anne-Marie Jardine
Kaylie Herdman
Destiny Millerd
Young Junior Historians Leaders
Kaley Brown
Ty Hunter
Courtney Jordan
Alan Denmark
Kacy Martin
WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) Leaders
Joseph Barajas
Savannah Carter
Taylor Lammi
Bella Wells
Kylie Wiesenhutter
Kaylie Herdman
I Am That Girl Leaders
Nykaila Singleton
Megan Klaus
Trinity Georgeson
Daisy Akusu
Congratulations Hopewell MS Student Leaders!

WE NEED YOU! Hopewell PTA has elections coming up in May to elect the Executive Board for our PTA.  We need nominations for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer!

Do you love to represent and promote?  You could be President, support and honor our school within the community and school environment, maintain our existing programs and liaise with the Principal and the Board to share new and exciting ideas.  Are you creative as well as organized?  Have a few hours a week to spare?  WE NEED You!

Could you support the President in their role, follow up on tasks assigned to you in a timely manner, maybe you're interested in changing up the Spirit wear at school?  Or supporting someone with Teacher Appreciation?  WE NEED YOU!

Are you an attention to detail person?  Then maybe Secretary is for you, attend a meeting once a month and take the minutes, type them up and circulate them to all Board Members.  Take them manually or bring a laptop and type away during the meeting - it's up to you but WE NEED YOU!

Good with money, happy to 'cook the books' (in an honest way of course)?  Oversee all spending on the PTA (while working within a pre-set budget) and report on our financial situation monthly, then WE NEED YOU!

Please email Kelly at or Joanne at for more information or just to ask us a question and remember WE NEED YOU!

6/7/8th GRADE DANCE - Back to the 90's
The Dance last Friday night was a great give-back from the PTA and everyone that attended had a great time.  I hope the kids showed you their photos from the Photo Booth and didn't spend too much money on snacks and treats!  Thanks to all those parents who helped with concessions, selling tickets and organizing the event.  We couldn't do it without our chaperones either so thanks to you!

We will be showing our support for our Teachers in May this year from 16th - 20th.  MondayWednesday and Friday of that week will involve dining treats for our staff and Tuesday
 and Thursday we will gift our staff with something special. 

We will be calling for parent involvement on the Wednesday when we will donate a Dessert Buffet for the Staff during lunch.  Watch out for a sign-up coming soon and sign up as your way to SUPPORT!

The Lost and Found will be cleaned out on April 14th. Anything left will be donated to the District Clothes Closet on the 21st. We would rather have your stuff go home with you!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!